COURSE 375: 1 DAY: Max 8 Candidates

This course deals with the requirements of BS 7375: 2010 - The Code of Practice for the distribution of electricity on construction and demolition sites. BS 7375 complements the requirements of BS 7671: IET Wiring Regulations. The Standard outlines the necessary arrangements relating to materials, appliances and components, the required range of electrical supplies, system design and work on and off-site.


The course is intended for those involved in electrical work that is required to comply with BS 7375 or for construction and project managers who need to gain an understanding of the Standard without the need to actually perform electrical work on construction sites.


The course is presented in a helpful and informative way, making frequent reference to the way the Standard relates to practical issues. Students are loaned copies of BS7375 for use during the course – and are provided with Technical Training Solutions’ course notes which provide explanations of the various requirements.


This course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge necessary to understand the information about the electrical construction site safety in the Standard that will help in their own work activities and ensure compliance with the H&S issues.

On completion of the course, participants will understand the:

Successful completion of the course leads to the award of the Technical Training Solutions Certificate of Achievement 375: Electrical Safety on Construction Sites BS7375.

What do candidates on the Construction Site Safety course actually do?

The course on BS 7375 is often 'tuned' to suit the audience on the day, (dealing with mixtures of electrical engineers, site foremen and managers for example) and our instructors promote structured debates on the key topics within the Standard which are of interest to the candidates.

We look at the way in which electricity is distributed around a construction site: how reduced low voltage systems are used and what they can power; where 230V and 400V supplies are used, etc. It's important that the candidates know about the effects of electric shock so we cover that in detail, making particular mention of the fact that electrical shocks sustained in a construction site scenario are likely to be more dangerous than shocks sustained indoors in a dry environment. The candidates need to know about the dangers of overloading, short circuit and earth faults so we also look at these in a little detail and explain how fuses, circuit breakers and earthing are used to combat these dangers. These important issues are explained in a way that the candidates can understand without getting involved in all the theory behind the issues. The following are extracts from the course notes for this part of the course.

This is page 8 of the course notes for the BS7375 course, describing how RLV is used on construction sites This is page 10 of the course notes for the BS7375 course, explaining the effects of electric shock This is page 21 of the course notes for the BS7375 course, explaining how circuit breakers operate

This is page 8 of the course notes for the BS7375 course, describing how RLV is used on construction sites

This is page 10 of the course notes for the BS7375 course, explaining the effects of electric shock

This is page 21 of the course notes for the BS7375 course, explaining how circuit breakers operate

The course goes on to look at the requirements of BS7375 with particular emphasis on how cabling should be structured, the types of connectors that should be used, the required IP ratings, etc. The following are some of the course notes for this part of the course.

This is page 27 of the course notes for the BS7375 course, showing how electricity should be distributed around a construction site This is the page 37 of the course notes for the BS7375 course, showing what sort of lampholders are required, how underground cables should be marked and the importance of proper isolation procedures This is the page 52 of the course notes for the BS7375 course - the first page of a 20 question multiple-choice assessment paper that the candidates have to complete to the instructor's satisfaction

This is page 27 of the course notes for the BS7375 course, showing how electricity should be distributed around a construction site

This is the page 37 of the course notes for the BS7375 course, showing what sort of lampholders are required, how underground cables should be marked and the importance of proper isolation procedures

This is the page 52 of the course notes for the BS7375 course - the first page of a 20 question multiple-choice assessment paper that the candidates have to complete to the instructor's satisfaction

The course finishes with a 20 question multiple-choice assessment paper, which tests the key issues that the candidates should have learned.

If you would like to learn more about the course on BS7375 - Electrical Safety on Construction Sites then please call us.



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